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Warbreaker - Brandon Sanderson Re-read:
I've re-read this book, this time listening to the "Graphic Audio" version of the book. And boy, does that make a difference.
Maybe it is because I have already once read the book and the resulting dramatic irony involved. Because at the first read, I really had no idea what to make of Lightsong.
But the graphic audio version really makes the story come to life. I love the Irish brogue of the two princesses, I love the characterization, especially Lightsong and Nightblood.
The story came to life in my head and felt fresh and wonderful and... colorful :-)
What possibly also helped was that I hadn't previously binged on all Brandon Sanderson's other books.

So, I'm updating this book to a 3.5 star and I'm actually looking forward to a sequel.

Oh and the last remark in my previous review, about The Way of Kings... well, we all know how that book turned out for me :-) My favorite!

I really liked Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn Trilogy. So I wanted to read all his books. And, boy am I disappointed.
He is really good at worldbuilding. Interesting and quite original world and sublime and hugely original magic-systems. That's refreshing. However, storytelling is not his strong point. All his books seems to be about revolution. Common people vs nobles. That gets old after a few books. He highlights different aspect of a revolution, but there is not enough variation.

Back to Warbreaker itself.
The story reminded me of Lord of Light by Roger Zelazny. I loved that book. But where that book feels fresh and poignant, Warbreaker was a chore to read. Dialog felt stunted, forced. Really, still to much "he said" "she said". That's not a naturally flowing dialog. I notice that his dialogs are getting worse instead of improving with every book. Please take some writing lessons!
Another gripe was the 'internal monologues'. I like books about people who doubt. My favorite books are about doubting and despairing people. What I don't like is reading hundreds of pages of dry internal monologues that lack a connection to me, the reader.

I just couldn't really care for the two sisters in this story. The remained 1 dimensional to me. The writer told me about their problems, their feelings, but I couldn't féél it. Lightsong was nice, and his part in the story was, though predictable, interesting. But dear mr. Sanderson: please stop repeating over and over the 'clues' for developments later in the story! We readers are not stupid. Most of us are capable of putting 1+1 together. Unnecessary repetition the mercenary's 'humor' and the fullfilling of petitions by returned is really annoying. It tells me that the writer doesn't take his audience serious. I like subtlety in a story, not being smacked in the face over and over with the same fish.

The ending is satisfying, but predictable and leaves room for a sequel. In a way, the ending is more satisfying than the ending of Elantris.

Another thought, but this is only an issue when you listen to the audiobook version. The audioquality was not very good. The curious thing is that "Hallandren" sounded like "Elantris", and this was slightly confusing at times. But maybe it was because of the narrators horrible drawl.

I give this book 2 stars, one for the magic and one for the world. Both are very interesting and could have been so much more. I am going to read the last Sanderson book on my list (The way of kings), but I do this with apprehension. I really hope he gets his spark back.